Induction Motor Rewinding Calculation

  1. Induction Motor Rewinding Calculations
  2. Induction Motor Rewinding Calculation
  3. Induction Motor Winding Calculation

The winding calculator allows you to find the optimum winding layout for your electric motor in a fast and convenient way. You can investigate three-phase integer-slot, fractional-slot and concentrated windings, both with single and double winding layers where appropriate. You can compare the maximum fundamental winding factor for different combinations of number of poles and number of slots, display the winding layout for different coil spans, or evaluate the harmonic spectrum of the winding factor.

Induction motor winding calculation
  • The Dc Motor Types & Dc Motor is a Mechanism by which Electrical Energy is Converted into Mechanical Energy. Both in principle and in design, the D.C. Motor is the Dc Motor Types-Dc Motor Magnet-Dc Motor Diagram.
  • Induction Motor Rewinding Calculation February 06, 2017 Induction Motor Winding Data Analyzer By German Torres Garcia.

Emetor specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall Emetor be liable to any party for any damages arising out of the use of information from this winding calculator.

Determine number of slots and number of poles

To get started, choose the approximate range of number of poles and number of slots that you are interested in. After updating the table, the drop-down list below lets you select whether to display the number of slots per pole per phase, the maximum possible fundamental winding factor, the number of winding symmetries, or the least common multiple between the number of poles and the number of slots in the table.

How to find number of winding turns for a three phase induction motor. To calculate the wire size, you would calculate the maximum size would fit in the slots. Then calculate the stator copper loss. If the copper loss is too high, select a winding distribution that is more efficient. In order to calculate the copper loss. Is video me all motor winding data calculation karne ka formulaeasy details se bataya gaya he i hope is video me ap ko bahut khuch sekhne ko mille ga video a. Principle-of-three-phase-induction-motor/ Per-phase equivalent circuit. Motor Slip. R 1 and R 2: stator and rotor winding resistances. X 1 and X 2.

Induction Motor Rewinding Calculation

Investigate and edit specific winding layouts

Click on a cell in the above table in order to investigate which winding layouts are possible for that specific number of poles and number of slots.

Whena motor burns out, do you rewind it or replace it? Back in Issue 3 of Smart Energy User we introduced this important topic, and here andin our next issue we explore some of the key questions in more detail.

Sometimes — for one of the reasonsdiscussed in this article — the obvious best approach is to rewind themotor. If the magnetic core of a failedmotor is undamaged and appropriate procedures are followed, a rewound motorwill retain its original efficiency. Properly repaired, a “standard” efficiency motor will have its original“standard” efficiency, and an energy-efficient (EE) motor will have itsoriginal high efficiency.


On the other hand, those times when amotor has failed are also opportunities to upgrademotor efficiency. Especially if thefailed motor is 10 or more years old — perhaps with unknown efficiency, andpossibly having been improperly rewound in the past — you will want toseriously consider all the options,and look into the economics of replacing it with a new EE motor.

Induction motor rewinding calculation


The more horsepower a motor delivers, andthe more hours per year it runs, the greater the operating cost and the moreimportant the motor’s efficiency turns out to be. Small motors, and motors that are used infrequently or only forshort periods, don’t cost a lot to run even if they are inefficient. But when a large horsepower motor operatesfor thousands of hours per year, the operating cost is substantial. And, that motor’s efficiency can have asignificant effect on the company’s bottom line.

If a standard efficiency motor has failed,you face

adilemma: Should you spend x dollars tohave the motor rewound, and keep the operating cost the same — or potentiallyhigher? Or should you spendsignificantly more than x dollars for a new EE motor, and reduce the operating cost? It is possible to arrive at rational answers to these questions by doingsome simple calculations. For informationon how to do this, see the article in the last issue (Issue 17), Calculating What it Costs to Run a Motor,and the article in our next issue (Issue 19), Easy Comparison of Motor Cost/Payback Options. (If you don’t have copies of these issues,call us.)

Induction Motor Rewinding Calculations


Induction Motor Rewinding Calculation

Induction motors employ an armature that rotates within a fixed stator, with a small air gap between thetwo. A typical motor stator is shownbelow.

Typical induction motor stator

Induction Motor Winding Calculation

Itconsists of a core of stacked, insulated, iron laminations, with windings ofinsulated copper wire